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Lawn lovers are often seen expressing and living their love for gardening and greenery for their entire lives. But not all of them are full-time gardening enthusiasts as some part-time lovers are also there. Their love continues until the lawn has been decorated, but as soon as the main part, i.e. maintenance comes, they simply skip from the back door Cow Grass.

This post is useful only for those who feel that this task would consume the entire weekend. However, experts say that with smarter steps taken smartly, you can keep your lawn grass and other growth look as beautiful as those of full-time gardening enthusiasts. Here are some steps that you can take.

Keep the grass taller

  • To ensure that you save your time as well as energy, simply cut your grass with the highest possible settings.
  • This step will not just save your time, but also have several other advantages to cater overtime.
  • You should remember the concept of photosynthesis used by the greenery around us for generating the all-important “oxygen” for us.
  • This means that every blade of the grass is important as the shorter you cut, faster it’ll grow and ask for more nutrients.
  • Cutting it shorter means, cutting it more frequently and this is certainly wastage of time as well as energy.
  • On the contrary, if you leave it taller, it’ll grow slowly.
  • Another benefit of leaving it taller is that you get better shade and this gives lesser opportunities to weeds to grow there.
  • This is because taller grass while laying turf requires deeper roots leaving no soil space for the weeds to get the roots deeper.
  • Moreover, the deeper root system sucks all the nutrients present in the soil, leaving no opportunities for weeds to grow or even survive.
  • Lastly, taller grass protects the soil and moreover, doesn’t require frequent watering.

Use tough love during watering after laying turf Sydney

  • There is no need to rethink your decision after seeing your neighbor wasting precious water by watering the lawn every day, post-laying turf. There are actually two drawbacks of frequent watering.
  • First drawback is that regular watering does not allow it to get a proper and a strong root system.
  • The second drawback is that you are simply scorching the turf by frequent watering.
  • If you are lazy about post laying turf Sydney maintenance, you should never look to scorch it.
  • To determine whether the turf needs water or not, simply step on it. If the footprints prevail their then, it’s time to water it.
  • Another indicator of your turf needing water is that it will start changing its color from bright green to green-gray texture.

Applying Fertilizer

You need to apply fertilizer at least 4 times a year and this would ensure that the lawn stay perfectly healthy and green. Surprisingly, often people are seen skipping this part as they get lazy about lawn care and maintenance. But this is a wrong concept that if followed can generate serious consequences like damage of the entire turf.