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광고 Colon Cancer Overview

One of the most common cancers in the Western world is colon cancer which is rapidly increasing in Asia. It no longer carries the death sentence which it used to did just a few years ago. Biomarkers and targeted therapy can successfully treat even the stage IV colon tumors which cures or extends the patient’s life by three to five years. As per a leading medical expert, the part of success stems from the adoption of a personalized therapy  organoid.

Colon Cancer Diagnosis, Test and Treatment in India

The biomarkers help the doctors to find specific genes which will determine the treatment that is effective for the colon cancer sufferer. For analyzing biomarkers, doctors will take a small sample of tissue from the area which is affected by tumors for test and this will take around one to two weeks. This will allow the doctor to choose the right medication for the individual patient and helps to accurately predict how responsive the patient is to the medication. This diagnosis technique is available at the best hospitals in India. After the biomarker test, the doctors will be able to determine the best plan customized for the patients which increases the chance of a successful outcome.

Some of the stage IV and III colon cancer patients will choose a targeted therapy that does not require chemotherapy. This medical innovation will effectively enable the colon tumor patients who failed with other medical treatments earlier to live longer. Studies done on final stage cancer patients offer a large body of proof that half of the patients receiving a targeted therapy continues to enjoy a good quality of life in the following years. It is difficult to observed the symptoms during early stage of colorectal cancer and with precise planning you can increase the response rate of the patients. All cancer patients received same treatments some fifty years ago and therefore they could not yield effective results in all cases.

Chemotherapy kills both the good and bad cells at the same time. Its during the past ten years that doctors have started to learn and understand different patients required different treatments even though they are suffering from same disease. The biomarker test will help to make it easier for doctors to make a sound decision on the appropriate treatment.

In patients with colon cancer, the malignant cells will accumulate on the colon tissues. Meanwhile, in anal tumor patients the malignant cells will pile up on the tissue at the end of the colon and close to the anus. Cancer is developed from normal cells which quickly divides and becomes malignant cells. Often the tumours are found in the colon and anus. Though the cause of this disease is not clear, age is indeed considered as an important risk factor since colon tumor occurs in people who are 40 years and above.

The development of colon cancer is complicated and t